This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the application of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field (PLFESF) in order to prevent premature ageing. The study involved 50 subjects. PLFESF therapy was conducted using the DEEP OSCILLATION-200 apparatus with the applicator moved 9.5 cm along the massage lines in the dorsal collar region during 15 minutes. The therapeutic course included 10 sessions of massage at regular intervals every other day. The control subjects did not receive PLFESF therapy. The analysis of the results obtained revealed the influence of effective PLFESF therapy on various biomarkers of ageing which gives reason to recommend this technique for the application for the normalization of hemodynamic parameters, the correction of asthenic-neurotic disorders, the improvement of the patients’ well-being and, as a result, the reduction of the biological age and the prevention of premature ageing.
Е.А. ТУРОВА*, Т.В. КОНЧУГОВА, Е.И. БАЛАБАН, Н.И. ФАДЕЕВА, А.В. ГОЛОВАЧ, Е.А. ТЕНЯЕВА (2012): Применение импульсного низкочастотного электростатического поля для профилактики преждевременного старения. ВОПРОСЫ КУРОРТОЛОГИИ, ФИЗИОТЕРАПИИ И ЛЕЧЕБНОЙ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ 6, 9-11.
English title: E.A. Turova*, T.V. Konchugova, E.I. Balaban, N.I. Fadeeva, A.V. Golovach, E.A. Tenyaeva (2012): The application of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field for the prevention of premature ageing. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 6, 9-11.