Aim: Deep Oscillation® is an apparatus that produces low frequency electromagnetic radiations able to modulate immune reactions and, therefore, applicable to pain, tumour and inflammation treatments. The aim of this study is to evaluate how the Deep Oscillation® therapy works on conventional therapy resistant patients as the apparatus can be applied either to trauma derived fom surgical wounds or on sports post-traumatic oedema, low back pain and/or sciatalgic pain and cervicobrachial pain.
Methods: In the first part of the study, 34 cases of recent surgical wounds have been treated with Deep Oscillation® with 3 times a week visits for 20 minutes. In the same way 30 cases of sports post-traumatic oedema, 20 cases of low back pain and/or sciatalgic pain and 10 cases of cervicobrachial pain were treated. Among these patients, 15 cases had also undergone contemporaneous nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs intravenous drip, electrolytes and vitamins to verify the probable synergetic efficacy of both treatments.
Results: The results confirm that in some cases the Deep Oscillation® treatment is effective since the first/third therapy up to the restitutio ad integrum. It has also been demonstrated that the maximum efficiency of the Deep Oscillation® and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs synergetic treatment is probably due to the electromagnetic radiations able to facilitate the pharmacological uptake.
Conclusion: This study confirms the capacity of the electrostatic energy, released by Deep Oscillation®, to stimulate the patient’s neurosensory system, raising his pain threshold and facilitating his pharmacological uptake and restoring his functional recovery more quickly.
Fistetto G, Iannitti T, Capone S, Torricelli F, Palmieri B. Deep Oscillation®: esperienze terapeutico-riabilitative con un nuovo innovativo strumento ad azione elettrostatica [Deep Oscillation: therapeutic-rehabilitative experiences with a new electrostatic device]. Minerva Med. 2011 Aug;102(4):277-88. Italian. PMID: 21968626.