Our aim was to evaluate the effect of deep oscillation and biofeedback on Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP) secondary to systemic sclerosis (SSc). A prospective randomized study was performed in SSc patients receiving either deep oscillation (n = 10) or biofeedback (n = 8) thrice a week for 4 weeks, or patients were randomized into the waiting group untreated for vasculopathy (n = 10) in time of running the study interventions. Biofeedback resulted in an improvement of RP as determined by score reduction of visual analogue scale compared with patients of the control group (P < 0.05), whereas deep oscillation revealed a tendency for improvement (P = 0.055). The study underlines the beneficial role of physiotherapy for the treatment of SSc-related RP.
Sporbeck B., Mathiske-Schmidt K., Jahr S., Huscher D., Becker M., Riemekasten G., Taufmann I., Burmester G.R., Pögel S., Reisshauer A. (2011): Effect of biofeedback and DEEP OSCILLATION® on Raynaud’s phenomenon secondary to systemic sclerosis: results of a controlled prospective randomized clinical trial. Rheumatol Int 32(5), 1469-73.