- high-precision isokinetic mode
- ballistic mode
- active compensation of gravity
- unique combined load types
General features
- sampling rate of 4000 Hz for highest precision
- play-free drive train
- EMG synchronisation
- three-level safety concept
- individually customisable reports
An innovative, ballistic control behaviour allows achieving higher accelerations and thus faster movement by pre-calculation of the movement to be expected. This results in significant reduction of the influence of the moments of inertia. In ballistic mode, higher speeds of movement or a defined speed for longer times, respectively, can be carried out isokinetically. The ballistic mode optimizes training and testing with functional and realistic movements and loads.

Patients with little strength are often unable to move individual segments of their bodies without assistance. This means that active compensation for these static weight influences is required over the entire motion amplitude. While the movement is being performed, the dynamometer can continuously reduce the external forces or even compensate for them completely; this produces a „gravity-free“’ situation for the patient where every movement can be performed with minimal expenditure of force.

The exceedingly high sampling rate of 4000 Hz ensures extremely precise control of the dynamometer and reduces unwanted jitter (temporal frequency deviation in the control system) to a minimum below the perception threshold. Thanks to the play-free drive train, no play can be felt during movement reversal, which is particularly relevant for highly dynamic movements (such as throwing). This also allows practice of unique movement sequences such as combination of continuous-passive movement (CPM) with concentric or eccentric loading.

The constant offset of 12 milliseconds at full sampling rate (4000 Hz) allows precise, easy and reliable synchronisation of the signals.

The continuously adjustable mechanical movement stops limit the range of movement directly at the dynamometer. In addition, the position of the movement stops is tracked by the system and constantly matched against the selected movement pattern. Thus, the software redundantly prevents exceedance of the movement amplitude.

In CON-TREX® systems, the dynamometer is moved to the patient. The flexible dynamometer head allows precise and very close adjustment of the rotary axis of the dynamometer in relation to the joint axis.
The products of the wide adapter range are made of high-strength stainless steel, combining maximum torsional stiffness with the lowest possible mass moment of inertia. Adjustment is continuous and time-saving thanks to a sophisticated and reliable clamping mechanism.
Individually customisable reports with a variety of presentation options and diagrams, and function for export as a PDF document. The export of the measurement data as an ASCII file allows further processing in other programs.

human kinetics software
The human kinetics software allows easy separation of databases, thereby enabling different internal departments or scientific areas within the same facility to work independently. The presentation of the numerous report designs can be customised. Export to other data processing programs is done easily via the ASCII interface. Anonymisation of the data for scientific work is easily possible.
The detailed online help provides direct notes on the current menu item or the operation being performed, with images and graphics. Above all, the detailed information on the numerous movement performances clarifies both the positioning of the subject / patient and the use of the required adapters.
Therapy information
CON-TREX® can be used in early diagnostic and preventative therapy for injuries to the musculoskeletal system in out-patient rehabilitation and in the clinic. It is also used in scientific research and performance optimisation and facilitates the careful and specific analysis of problems and thus the highly efficient training of top athletes.
CON-TREX® machines are suited to measurement and analysis thanks to the high levels of precision and are thus especially well-suited to scientific use. In training and therapy, they aim to improve muscle capabilities (in both the strength and stamina areas) as well as sensorimotor skills. Thanks to its versatile measuring capabilities and the intuitive exercise software, CON-TREX® is excellently suited to the following applications:
CON-TREX® enables the early diagnosis and prevention of damages or injuries to the musculoskeletal system in out-patient rehabilitation and in clinical use.
Diagnosis and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal deficiencies
Muscular disbalances can disrupt the ideal sequence of movements and may have damaging effects on the joints or, depending on the type of sport, can even be desirable or required. CON-TREX® helps to record, detect and analyse these disbalances. In addition, CON-TREX® machines can be used to efficiently eliminate muscular disbalances. One particular benefit is in the fact that the tested movement can be trained at the same time.
Joint replacement
CON-TREX® machines can be used in the area of geriatric rehabilitation after artificial joint replacement in particular. Even at very low available muscular strength patients can actively train and improve their muscularity at a sensible speed of motion. This means that the loss of strength is kept to a minimum and the mobility of the joints either remains the same or is improved
When performance is diminished for neurological reasons, for example, after a brain injury or a stroke, rehabilitation work focuses on restoring coordination and control of the work done by the muscles. The German Society for Neurology demands the early functional mobilisation of patients who are after having suffered a stroke. CON-TREX® is suited to this task thanks to its exercise and training function in a continuously passive motion mode: The affected patient’s limb is moved by CON-TREX® while the patient can simultaneously attempt to autonomously control and move the limb. CON-TREX® simultaneously visualises the ongoing performance of the patient, that is, training can be followed in real-time on the monitor and even the smallest of advances is immediately reproduced on the screen. This adds to the patient’s motivation to increase the effectiveness of the rehabilitation through their active cooperation. This can only be achieved to a limited extent using “classic” training methods. Bio-feedback training, especially with a submaximal load, not only enables efficient correction of muscular deficiencies, but is also an excellent method of improving coordination abilities.
CON-TREX® machines are used in competitive sport, most of all when it comes to objectively evaluating physique and optimising the progression of training of competitive and top-level athletes. Various strength tests which can be carried out at regular intervals provide both trainers and athletes with precise feedback on the effectiveness of their training methods. Within the framework of motion analyses for the optimisation of motion sequences specific to particular sports, precise problem analyses can also be generated using combined EMG evaluations. When rehabilitating top athletes after injuries, CON-TREX® machines facilitate highly efficient training sessions and contribute towards the sensible use of the injury period.
Thanks to the high levels of precision of CON-TREX® machines, the objective evaluation of every patient at the highest validity rates possible is given. CON-TREX® archives all relevant system parameters which could be of importance to scientific evaluation. In addition, the unique ballistic mode ensures the smooth execution of both motion sequence and measurement. This active gravity compensation facilitates both absolute and relative observation of the values. When used in science and research, the CON-TREX® machines set previously unequalled high standards in regard to accuracy of measurement and reproducibility of the collected parameters.