This article aims to discuss the possibilities of conservative and non-pharmacological treatments for lymphedema.
A non-systematic review of the literature was carried out, including studies involving human subjects with different
types of lymphedema. Several approaches to lymphedema treatment have been reported and Complex Decongestive
Therapy (CDT) has been considered the most effective treatment for limb lymphedema. Other conservative treatments
have been proposed such as Taping, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, Acupuncture, Photobiomodulation Therapy,
Endermologie, Intermittent Pneumatic Compression, and Low-frequency, Low-intensity Electrotherapy. The choice
of the therapeutic approach to be employed should consider lymphedema characteristics, the therapist’s experience,
and the patient’s wishes. In addition, since this is a chronic condition, the patient must adhere to the treatment. To
this end, the therapeutic proposal may be the key to better control of limb volume.
Keywords: lymphedema; combined modality therapy; physical therapy specialty; rehabilitation; treatment.
Bergmann A., Baiocchi J.M.T., Andrade MFC. (2021): Conservative treatment of lymphedema: the state of the art. J Vasc Bras. 20:e