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- Tiefenoszillation
- vocaSTIM®

Velikanov D.I., Tsogoev A.S., Serebryakov A.A., Cherevashchenko L.A., Bobrik Yu.V, Gaydamaka I.I., Stolyarov A.A. (2022): Effectiveness of the use of physical therapeutic factors in outpatient medical rehabilitation of patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy

A new Isokinetic positioning for shoulder test in functional scapular plane. Loeza Magaña P, Aguilar Valencia AB, Ramos Cuevas MR….

Rahm S., Spross C., Gerber F., Farshad M., Buck F.M., Espinosa N. (2013): Operative treatment of chronic irreparable Achilles tendon…

Mueller S., Mueller J., Stoll J., Engel T., Mayer F. (2017): Back pain risk factors in adolescent athletes: suitability of…

Mueller S., Mueller J., Stoll J., Cassel M., Hirschmüller A., Mayer F. (2017): Back Pain in Adolescent Athletes: Results of…

Mueller J., Mueller S., Stoll J., Baur H., Mayer F. (2014): Trunk Extensor and Flexor Strength Capacity in Healthy Young…

Liebensteiner M.C., Platzer H.P., Burtscher M., Hanser F., Raschner C. (2012): The effect of gender on force, muscle activity, and…

Hirschmüller A., Andres T., Schoch W., Baur H., Konstantinidis L., Südkamp N.P., Niemeyer P., (2017): Quadriceps Strength in Patients With…

Hirschmüller A., Konstantinidis L., Baur H., Müller S., Mehlhorn A., Kontermann J., Grosse U., Südkamp N.P., Helwig P. (2011): Do…

Francis P., Toomey C., Mc Cormack W., Lyons M., Jakeman P. (2016): Measurement of maximal isometric torque and muscle quality…

Edouard P., Degache F., Oullion R., Plessis J.Y., Gleizes-Cervera S., Calmels P. (2013): Shoulder strength imbalances as injury risk in…

Edouard P., Bankolé C., Calmels P., Beguin L., Degache F. (2013): Isokinetic rotator muscles fatigue in glenohumeral joint instability before…

Edouard P., Castells J., Calmels P., Roche F., Degache F. (2010): Cardiovascular and metabolic responses during isokinetic shoulder rotators strength…

Trunk extensor and flexor strength of long-distance race car drivers and physically active controls.
Baur H., Müller S., Pilz F., Mayer P., Mayer F. (2010): Trunk extensor and flexor strength of long-distance race car…

Baur H., Müller S., Hirschmüller A., Huber G., Mayer F. (2006): Reactivity, stability and strength performance capacity in motor sports….

Baray A.L., Philippot R., Neri T., Farizon F., Edouard P. (2016): The Hemi-Castaing ligamentoplasty for chronic lateral ankle instability does…

Baray A.L., Philippot R., Farizon F., Boyer B., Edouard P. (2014): Assessment of joint position sense deficit, muscular impairment and…

Müller J., Müller S., Stoll J., Fröhlich K., Baur H., Mayer F. (2014): Reproducibility of maximum isokinetic trunk strength testing…

Müller S., Stoll J., Müller J., Mayer F. (2012): Validity of isokinetic trunk measurements with respect to healthy adults, athletes…

Müller S., Mayer P., Baur H., Mayer F. (2011): Higher velocities in isokinetic dynamometry: A pilot study of new test…

Müller S., Baur H., König T., Hirschmüller A., Mayer F. (2007): Reproducibility of isokinetic single- and multi-joint strength measurements in…

Maffiuletti N.A., Bizzini M., Desbrosses K., Babault N., Munziner U. (2007): Reliability of knee extension and flexion measurements using the…

Guilhem G., Giroux C., Couturier A., Maffiuletti N.A. (2014): Validity of trunk extensor and flexor torque measurements using isokinetic dynamometry….

Cotte T., Ferret J.M. (2003): Comparative study of two isokinetic dynamometers: CYBEX NORM vs. CON-TREX® MJ. IOS Press Isokinetics and…

Trybulski R., Żebrowska A. (2016): Obrzęk Limfatyczny/Lymphatic Oedema. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Sekcji Limfologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Flebologicznego 22-23. Scientific Poster at International…

Trybulski R. (2016): Metoda DEEP OSCILLATION w leczeniu zespołu stopy cukrzycowej. PRAKTYCZNA fizjoterapia & rehabilitacja 68, 22-29. English title: DEEP…

Trybulski R. (2016): Fizykalne metody drenażu limfatycznego we wczesnej fazie fizjoterapii pourazowej narządu ruchu. MEDYCYNA MANUALNA 1, 27-42. Englisch title:…

Trybulski R. (2008): Wykorzystanie сystemu Hivamat 200 w leczeniu ran. Rehabilitacja w Praktyce 1, 28-33. English title: Using Hivamat 200…

Zehtindjieva M.G., Ioshinov B.R., Andonov D.R., Ilkov V.S., Bayraktarova A. (2013): Deep Oscillation – A Modern Additional Physical Modality For…

Abstract Objective: Physical methods are reported to be important for accelerating skeletal muscle regeneration, decreasing muscle soreness, and shortening of the…

Яшков А.В., Газдиева Е.М., Бадьянова И.С. (2007): Эффективность переменного низкочастотного электростатического поля в комплексной терапии больных хронической обструктивной болезнью лёгких…

ABSTRACT Context: Hamstring inflexibility is typically treated using therapeutic massage, stretching, and soft tissue mobilization. An alternative intervention is deep oscillation…


Abstract This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the application of a pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field (PLFESF) in order to prevent…

Theys S., Deltombe T., Legrand C., Hanson P. (2008): Manual Drainage with or without DEEP OSCILLATION® in Lower Extremity Oedema….

Teo I., Coulborn A., Munnock D.A. (2016): Use of the HIVAMAT® 200 with manual lymphatic drainage in the management of…

Abstract Background/Objective In soccer the recovery time between matches is often not long enough for complete restoration. Insufficient recovery can…

Schönfelder G., Berg D. (1991): Nebenwirkungen nach brusterhaltender Therapie des Mammakarzinoms. Erste Ergebnisse mit Hivamat. gynäkol. prax. 15, 109-122. English…

Scannavini P., Bitocchi M., Rossi M., Girvasi L. (2012): Lesioni muscolari da sport: percorsi di riatletizzazione. Scienze motorie, ortopediche, riabilitative…

Sänger H.-F. (1995): Der Einfluß von HIVAMAT® 200 (histologisch-variable Technik) auf die Entstehung der radiogenen Fibrose bei brusterhaltend therapierten Patientinnen…

O’Brien C.P., Watson A. (2016): Deep Oscillation® Therapy in the Treatment of Lateral Epicondylalgia: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial. J…

Nourollahi S., Mondry T.E., Herbst K.L. (2013): Bucher’s Broom and Selenium Improve Lipedema: A Retrospective Case Study. Altern Integ Med…

Mikhalchik E., Titkova S., Anurov M., Suprun M., Ivanova A., Trakhtman I., Reinhold J. (2005): Wound Healing Effects of Deep…

Mikhalchik E., Titkova S., Anurov M., Suprun M., Ivanova A., Trakhtman I., Reinhold J. (2005): Effects on blood parameters of…

Korkina L., Reinhold J., Rota L., Primavera G., Raskovic D. (2007): Treatment of Gynoid Lipodystrophy (Cellulite) with Deep Oscillation®: A…

Koleva, I.B., Yoshinov, B.R, Yoshinov, R.R. (2020): Neurorehabilitation Algorithms in Parkinsonism: Impact of Electrical Stimulations and Deep Oscillation on Autonomy…

Koleva, I.B., Ioshinov, B.R., Yoshinov, R.D. (2017): Complex Analgesia (Infiltrations and Deep Oscillation) in Patients with Stump Pain and Phantom…

English citation: Khan M.A., Ivanova D.A., Ljan N.A., Lukina O.F. (2012): Application of the pulse low-frequency electrostatic field at bronchial…

English citation: Kashilska Y., Petkov A., Micheva P., Batashki A., Batashk Z. (2015): Improving the quality of life through effects…

Johanning-Csik F. (1994): Behandlung postpartaler Brustschmerzen und -spannungen mit dem Intensivierungssystem Hivamat. Medical dissertation. Erlangen – Nürnberg.

Horn A., Mischler B. (2015): Kurzzeitwirkung von Tiefenoszillation auf die Fein- und Grobmotorik bei Multiple-Sklerose-Patienten und -Patientinnen mit Funktionseinschränkungen der…

Hinman M.R., Lundy R., Perry E., Robbins K., Viertel L. (2013): Comparative Effect of Ultrasound and DEEP OSCILLATION® on the…

Hernández Tápanes S., Socas Fernández M., Iturralde Y., Addiel Suáres Fernández A. (2018): The Effect of Deep Oscillation Therapy in…

Hernández Tápanes S., Suárez A., Bravo Acosta T., Wilson Rojas R., Fernández Prieto B., Cabrera Morales M. (2009): Valor de…

Gasbarro V., Bartoletti R., Tsolaki E., Sileno S., Agnati M., Conti M., Bertaccini C. (2006): Role of Hivamat® (deep oscillation)…

Gasbarro V., Bartoletti R., Tsolaki E., Sileno S., Agnati M., Coen M., Conti M., Bertaccini C. (2006): Ruolo dell’oscillazione profonda…

Gao Y.-C., Peng C.-C., Peng R.Y. (2015): A long term chronic fibrotic adhesion of elbow muscles alleviated by applying hivamat…

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, toning and draining effect of the Deep Oscillation® device….

Abstract This article aims to discuss the possibilities of conservative and non-pharmacological treatments for lymphedema.A non-systematic review of the literature…

Bolaños F. (2009): Efectividad de las oscilaciones profundas Hivamat personal en la patalogía artrósica de rodilla: Estudio de caso…

Andreev A. (2015): Deep oscillation, kinesiotaping and exercises in amateur football players after ACL reconstruction. XXIV International Conference on…

Aliyev R.M. (2012): Better Functional Results of Conservative Treatment in Fresh Lateral Ligament Injuries of the Ankle with Additional…

Abstract Background: In Germany approximately 2 million sports injuries occur per year. Most common are distorsions and ligamentous injury going along…

Aliyev R.M., Reinhold J., Seidov I.I., Mikus E.W.J. (2009): Ergebnisse mit DEEP OSCILLATION® bei Verletzungen des oberen Sprunggelenkes. Orthopädische…

Aliyev R., Mikus E.W.S., Reinhold J.G. (2008): Hochsignifikante Therapieerfolge mit DEEP OSCILLATION® in der orthopädischen Rehabilitation. Orthopädische Praxis 44,…

Wuschech H., von Hehn U., Mikus E., Funk R.H. (2015): Effects of PEMF on patients with osteoarthritis: Results of a…

Rick O., von Hehn U., Mikus E., Dertinger H., Geiger G. (2017): Magnetic Field Therapy in Patients With Cytostatics-Induced Polyneuropathy:…

Reimschüssel A., Bodenburg P. (2009): Niederfrequente elektromagnetische Felder. Erfolgreich in der Therapie der Myoarthritis des Kiefergelenkes. Die Naturheilkunde 5, 28.

Abstract Background: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) etiology remains poorly understood, but chronic low-grade inflammation plays a role. Pulsed electromagnetic fieldtherapy…

Leoci R., Aiudi G., Silvestre F., Lissner E., Lacalandra G.M. (2014): Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy on Prostate Volume…

Hitrov N.A., Portnov V.V. (2008): MAGCELL® ARTHRO in der Behandlung von Arthrose im Kniegelenk. Die Naturheilkunde 3, 25-27. Absatz…

Geiger G., Mikus E., Dertinger H., Rick O. (2015): Low frequency magnetic field therapy in patients with cytostatic-induced polyneuropathy:…

Abstract In this review we compile results cited in reliable journals that show a ratio for the use of pulsed…

Abstract A novel hand-held low-frequency magnetic stimulator (MagCell-SR) was tested for its ability to stimulate microcirculation in fingers of healthy…

Schönweiler R., Mergardt D., Raap M. (2005): Pilotstudie zur Effektivität der Stimmübungstherapie mit der NMEPS-Reizstrom und der Nasalierungsmethode.English translation: Pilot…

Ptok M., Strack D. (2008): Electrical stimulation-supported voice exercises are superior to voice exercise therapy alone in patients with unilateral…

Ptok M., Strack D. (2005): Klassische Stimmtherapie versus Elektrostimulationstherapie bei einseitiger Rekurrensparese. HNO 53:1092-1097.English title: Voice exercise therapy versus electrostimulation…

Medina L.F. (2010): Estimulación Electrofonatoria de la paresia laríngea con VocaSTIM. Terapéutica ciencia, tecnología y arte. Clínica Santa Paula, Universidad…

Jungheim M., Janhsen A.M., Miller S., Ptok M. (2014): Impact of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Upper Esophageal Sphincter Dynamics:…

Dahl R., Witt G. (2006): Analyse von Stimmparametern nach konservativer Behandlung von Larynxparesen mit konventioneller Stimmübung oder neuromuskulärer elektrophonatorischer Stimulation….

Cotte T., Ferret J.M. (2003): Comparative study of two isokinetic dynamometers: CYBEX NORM vs. CON-TREX® MJ. IOS Press Isokinetics and…

Caruso J., Brown L.E., Tufano J.J. (2012): The reproducibility of isokinetic dynamometry data. Isokinet Exerc Sci 20:239–53. doi:10.3233/IES-2012-0477.

Ivanova DA, Khan MA, Lyan NA, Mikitchenko NA. [The application of the pulsed low-frequency electrostatic field for the combined treatment…

Abstract Aim: Deep Oscillation® is an apparatus that produces low frequency electromagnetic radiations able to modulate immune reactions and, therefore, applicable…

Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, toning and draining effect of the Deep Oscillation® device….

Abstract Background: In Germany approximately 2 million sports injuries occur per year. Most common are distorsions and ligamentous injury going along…

Abstract Objective: To investigate symptoms and functional impairment in women with secondary lymphoedema of the breast following surgical treatment and to…
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